Click here for an annotated bibliography of the AIMS articles below, arranged by topic.
Kahn RA, Egorova N, Ouyang Y, Burnett GW, Hofer I, Wax DB, Trinh M. Influence of practitioner dashboard feedback on anesthetic greenhouse gas emissions: a prospective performance improvement investigation. Journal of Medical Systems 49:12, 2025
Bellini V, Russo M, Domenichetti T, Panizzi M, Allai S, Bignami EG. Artificial intelligence in operating room management. Journal of Medical Systems 48:19, 2024
Kuo FH, Rehman MA, Ahumada LM. Garbage in, garbage out? Negative impact of physiological waveform artifacts in a hospital clinical data warehouse. Journal of Medical Systems 48:109, 2024
Saha AK, Segal S. A quality improvement initiative to reduce adverse effects of transitions of anesthesia care on postoperative outcomes: a retrospective cohort study. Anesthesiology 140:387-398, 2024
Beier J, Ahrens E, Rufino M, Patel J, Azimaraghi O, Kumar V, Houle TT, Schaefer MS, Eikermann M, Wongtangman K. The impact of residency training level on early postoperative desaturation: a retrospective multicenter cohort study. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 90:111238, 2023
Gruss CL, Kappen TH, Fowler LC, Li G, Freundlich RE, McEvoy MD, Rothman BS, Sandberg WS, Wanderer JP. Automated feedback modestly improves perioperative treatment adherence of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 86:111087, 2023
Jokar M, Sahmeddini MA, Zand F, Rezaee R, Bashiri A. Development and evaluation of an anesthesia module for electronic medical records in the operating room: an applied developmental study. BMC Anesthesiology 23:378, 2023
King CR, Gregory S, Fritz BA, Budelier TP, Ben Abdallah A, Kronzer A, Helsten DL, Torres B, McKinnon S, Goswami S, Mehta D, Higo O, Kerby P, Henrichs B, Wildes TS, Politi MC, Abraham J, Avidan MS, Kannampallil T, ACTFAST Study Group. An intraoperative telemedicine program to improve perioperative quality measures: the ACTFAST-3 randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open 6:e2332517, 2023
Olmos AV, Robinowitz D, Feiner JR, Chen CL, Gandhi S. Reducing volatile anesthetic waste using a commercial electronic health record clinical decision support tool to lower fresh gas flows. Anesthesia and Analgesia 136:327-337, 2023
Samad M, Angel M, Rinehart J, Kanomata Y, Baldi P, Cannesson M. Medical Informatics Operating Room Vitals and Events Repository (MOVER): a public-access operating room database. JAMIA Open 6:ooad084, 2023
Abraham J, Meng A, Montes de Oca A, Politi M, Wildes T, Gregory S, Henrichs B, Kannampallil T, Avidan MS. An ethnographic study on the impact of a novel telemedicine-based support system in the operating room. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 29:1919-1930, 2022
Bardia A, Deshpande R, Michel G, Yanez D, Dai F, Pace NL, Schuster K, Mathis MR, Kheterpal S, Schonberger RB. Demonstration and performance evaluation of two novel algorithms for removing artifacts from automated intraoperative temperature data sets: multicenter, observational, retrospective study. JMIR Perioperative Medicine 5:e37174, 2022
Kahn RA, Gal JS, Hofer IS, Wax WB, Villar JI, Levin MA. Visual analytics to leverage anesthesia electronic health record. Anesthesia & Analgesia 135:1057-1063, 2022
Lou SS, Liu H, Lu C, Wildes TS, Hall BL, Kannampallil T. Personalized surgical transfusion risk prediction using machine learning to guide preoperative type and screen orders. Anesthesiology 137:55-66, 2022
Pregnall AM, Gruss CL, Ramanujan KS, Gelfand BJ, McEvoy MD, Wanderer JP. ACGME case log reminder does not improve resident accuracy in logging cases. Journal of Medical Systems 46:1, 2022
Ende HB, Richardson MG, Lopez BM, Wanderer JP. Improving ACGME compliance for obstetric anesthesiology fellows using an automated email notification system. Applied Clinical Informatics 12:479-483, 2021
Epstein RH, Hofer IS, Salari V, Gabel E. Successful implementation of a perioperative data warehouse using another hospital’s published specification from Epic’s electronic health record system. Anesthesia and Analgesia 132:465-474, 2021
Kazemi P, Lau F, Matava C, Simpao AF. An environmental scan of anesthesia information management systems in the American and Canadian marketplace. Journal of Medical Systems 45:101, 2021
Kazemi P, Lau F, Simpao AF, Williams RJ, Matava C. The state of adoption of anesthesia information management systems in Canadian academic anesthesia departments: a survey. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 68:693-705, 2021
Kristobak BM, Jabaut JM, Dickson CF, Cronin WA. Leveraging the existing anesthesia information management system to improve anesthesia quality assurance outcome reporting. Military Medicine 186:1001-1009, 2021
Novak LL, Wanderer J, Owens DA, Fabbri D, Genkins JZ, Lasko TA. A perioperative care display for understanding high acuity patients. Applied Clinical Informatics 12:164-169, 2021
Wanderer JP, Lasko TA, Coco JR, Fowler LC, McEvoy MD, Feng X, Shotwell MS, Li G, Gelfand BJ, Novak LL, Owens DA, Fabbri DV. Visualization of aggregate perioperative data improves anesthesia case planning: a randomized, cross-over trial. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 68:110114, 2021
Wax DB, Adeel A, Huang J, Villar J, Levin MA. Click for help: an anesthesiology department messaging system. Journal of Medical Systems 45:68, 2021
Bruthans J, Bláha J. Usage of anesthesia information management systems in European countries in 2020 - a short survey. Lékar a technika - Clinician and Technology 50:127-131, 2020
Bruthans J. Anesthesia Information Management Systems in the Czech Republic from the perspective of early adopters. Journal of Medical Systems 44:70, 2020
Burns ML, Mathis MR, Vandervest J, Tan X, Lu B, Colquhoun DA, Shah N, Kheterpal S, Saager L. Classification of current procedural terminology codes from electronic health record data using machine learning. Anesthesiology 132:738-749, 2020
Hoefnagel AL, McLeod C, Mongan PD. Daily anesthesia assignment schedule automation: utilizing an electronic scheduling system to export daily assignments into the electronic health record. Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management 21:100135, 2020
Lakha S, Levin MA, Leibowitz AB, Lin HM, Gal JS. Intraoperative electronic alerts improve compliance with national quality program measure for perioperative temperature management. Anesthesia and Analgesia 130:1167-1175, 2020
McCormick PJ, Yeoh CB, Hannum M, Tan KS, Vicario-Feliciano RM, Mehta M, Yang G, Ervin K, Fischer GW, Tollinche LE. Institution of monthly anesthesia quality reports does not reduce postoperative complications despite improved metric compliance. Journal of Medical Systems 44:189, 2020
McGinn R, Lingley AJ, McIsaac DI, Pysyk C, McConnell MC, Bryson GL, Dubois D. Logging in: a comparative analysis of electronic health records versus anesthesia resident-driven logbooks. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 67:1381-1388, 2020
Tollinche LE, Shi R, Hannum M, McCormick P, Thorne A, Tan KS, Yang G, Mehta M, Yeoh C. The impact of real-time clinical alerts on the compliance of anesthesia documentation: a retrospective observational study. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 191:105399, 2020
Epstein RH, Dexter F, Schwenk ES. Provider access to legacy electronic anesthesia records following implementation of an electronic health record system. Journal of Medical Systems 43:105, 2019
Freundlich RE, Nelson SE, Qiu Y, Ehrenfeld JM, Sandberg WS, Wanderer JP. A retrospective evaluation of the risk of bias in perioperative temperature metrics. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 33:911-916, 2019
Gabel E, Shin J, Hofer I, Grogan T, Ziv K, Hong J, Dhillon A, Moore J, Mahajan A, Cannesson M. Digital quality improvement approach reduces the need for rescue antiemetics in high-risk patients: a comparative effectiveness study using interrupted time series and propensity score matching analysis. Anesthesia & Analgesia 128:867-876, 2019
O'Sullivan CT, Rogers WK, Ackman M, Goto M, Hoff BM. Implementation of a multifaceted program to sustainably improve appropriate intraoperative antibiotic redosing. American Journal of Infection Control 47:74-77, 2019
Palaniswamy SR, Jain V, Chakrabarti D, Bharadwaj S, Sriganesh K. Completeness of manual data recording in the anaesthesia information management system: a retrospective audit of 1000 neurosurgical cases. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 63:797-804, 2019
Pysyk CL, Jee R, Zunder I. Change in staff anesthesiologists' opinions of an anesthesia information management system (AIMS). Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 33:541-542, 2019
Sessler DI, Turan A, Stapelfeldt WH, Mascha EJ, Yang D, Farag E, Cywinski J, Vlah C, Kopyeva T, Keebler AL, Perilla M, Ramachandran M, Drahuschak S, Kaple K, Kurz A. Triple-low alerts do not reduce mortality: a real-time randomized trial. Anesthesiology 130:72-82, 2019
Shah N, Sinha A, Thompson A, Tremper K, Meka A, Kheterpal S. An automated software application reduces controlled substance discrepancies in perioperative areas. Anesthesiology 131:1264-1275, 2019
Almeshari M, Khalifa M, El-Metwally A, Househ M, Alanazi A. Quality and accuracy of electronic pre-anesthesia evaluation forms. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 160:51-56, 2018
Bhutiani M, Jablonski PM, Ehrenfeld JM, McEvoy MD, Fowler LC, Wanderer JP. Decision support tool improves real and perceived anesthesiology resident relief equity. Anesthesia & Analgesia 127:513-519, 2018
Dexter F, Epstein RH, Ledolter J, Dasovich SM, Herman JH, Maga JM, Schwenk ES. Validation of a new method to automatically select cases with intraoperative red blood cell transfusion for audit. Anesthesia & Analgesia 126:1654-1661, 2018
Epstein RH, Dexter F, Hofer IS, Rodriguez LI, Schwenk ES, Maga JM, Hindman BJ. Perioperative temperature measurement considerations relevant to reporting requirements for national quality programs using data From anesthesia information management systems. Anesthesia & Analgesia 126:478-486, 2018
Epstein RH, Dexter F. Database quality and access issues relevant to research using anesthesia information management system data. Anesthesia & Analgesia 127:105-114, 2018
Hoorweg AJ, Pasma W, van Wolfswinkel L, de Graaff JC. Incidence of artifacts and deviating values in research data obtained from an anesthesia information management system in children. Anesthesiology 128:293-304, 2018
Kheterpal S, Shanks A, Tremper KK. Impact of a novel multiparameter decision support system of intraoperative processes of care and postoperative outcomes. Anesthesiology 128:272-282, 2018
Simpao AF, Rehman MA. Anesthesia information management systems. Anesthesia & Analgesia 127:90-94, 2018
Wax DB, McCormick PJ, Joseph TT, Levin MA. An automated critical event screening and notification system to facilitate preanesthesia record review. Anesthesia & Analgesia 126:606-610, 2018
Ehrenfeld JM, Wanderer JP, Terekhov M, Rothman BS, Sandberg WS. A perioperative systems design to improve intraoperative glucose monitoring is associated with a reduction in surgical site infections in a diabetic patient population. Anesthesiology 126:431-440, 2017
Hincker A, Abdallah AB, Avidan M, Candelario P, Helsten D. Electronic medical record interventions and recurrent perioperative antibiotic administration: a before-and-after study. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 64:716-723, 2017
Nair BG, Gabel E, Hofer I, Schwid HA, Cannesson M. Intraoperative clinical decision support for anesthesia: a narrative review of available systems. Anesthesia & Analgesia 124:603-617, 2017
Rodriguez LI, Smaka TJ, Mahla M, Epstein RH. Default drug doses in anesthesia information management systems. Anesthesia & Analgesia 125:255-260, 2017
Shear TD, Deshur M, Lapin B, Greenberg SB, Murphy GS, Szokol J, Ujiki M, Newark R, Benson J, Koress C, Dwyer C, Vender J. Documentation and treatment of intraoperative hypotension: electronic anesthesia records versus paper anesthesia records. Journal of Medical Systems 41:86, 2017
Wanderer JP, Gratch DM, Jacques PS, Rodriguez LI, Epstein R. Trends in the prevalence of intraoperative adverse events at two academic hospitals after implementation of a mandatory reporting system. Anesthesia and Analgesia 126:134-140, 2017
Wax DB, McCormick PJ. A real-time decision support system for anesthesiologist end-of-shift relief. Anesthesia & Analgesia 124:599-602, 2017
Weintraub AY, Deutsch ES, Hales RL, Buchanan NA, Rock WL, Rehman, MA. Using high-technology simulators to prepare anesthesia providers before implementation of a new electronic health record module: a technical report. Anesthesia & Analgesia 124:1815-1819, 2017
Wu A, Kodali BS, Flanagan Jr. HL, Urman RD. Introduction of a new electronic medical record system has mixed effects on first surgical case efficiency metrics. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 31:1073-1079, 2017
Epstein RH, Dexter F, Gratch DM, Perino M, Magrann J. Controlled substance reconciliation accuracy improvement using near real-time drug transaction capture from automated dispensing cabinets. Anesthesia & Analgesia 122:1841-1855, 2016
Hofer IS, Gabel E, Pfeffer M, Mahbouba M, Mahajan A. A systematic approach to creation of a perioperative data warehouse. Anesthesia & Analgesia 122:1880-1884, 2016
Marian AA, Bayman EO, Gillett A, Hadder B, Todd MM. The influence of the type and design of the anesthesia record on ASA physical status scores in surgical patients: paper records vs. electronic anesthesia records. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 16:29, 2016
McCormick PJ, Levin MA, Lin HM, Sessler DI, Reich DL. Effectiveness of an electronic alert for hypotension and low bispectral index on 90-day postoperative mortality: a prospective, randomized trial. Anesthesiology 125:1113-1120, 2016
O'Neill L, Dexter F, Zhang N. The risks to patient privacy from publishing data from clinical anesthesia studies. Anesthesia & Analgesia 122:2017-2027, 2016
Simpao AF, Galvez JA, England WR, Wartman EC, Scott JH, Hamid MM Sr, Rehman MA, Epstein RH. A technical evaluation of wireless connectivity from patient monitors to an anesthesia information management system during intensive care unit surgery. Anesthesia & Analgesia 122:425-429, 2016
Wetmore D, Goldberg A, Gandhi N, Spivack J, McCormick P, DeMaria S Jr. An embedded checklist in the Anesthesia Information Management System improves pre-anaesthetic induction setup: a randomised controlled trial in a simulation setting. BMJ Quality & Safety 25:739-746, 2016
Epstein RH, Dexter F, Patel N. Influencing anesthesia provider behavior using anesthesia information management system data for near real-time alerts and post hoc reports. Anesthesia & Analgesia 121:678-692, 2015
Gálvez JA, Rothman BS, Doyle CA, Morgan S, Simpao AF, Rehman MA. A narrative review of meaningful use and anesthesia information management systems. Anesthesia & Analgesia 121:693-706, 2015
Malapero RJ, Gabriel RA, Gimlich R, Ehrenfeld JM, Philip BK, Bates DW, Urman RD. An anesthesia medication cost scorecard--concepts for individualized feedback. Journal of Medical Systems 39:48, 2015
Sathishkumar S, Lai M, Picton P, Kheterpal S, Morris M, Shanks A, Ramachandran SK. Behavioral modification of intraoperative hyperglycemia management with a novel real-time audiovisual monitor. Anesthesiology 123:29-37, 2015
Avidan A, Dotan K, Weissman C, Cohen MJ, Levin PD. Accuracy of manual entry of drug administration data into an anesthesia information management system. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 61:979-985, 2014
Herasevich V, Ellsworth MA, Hebl JR, Brown MJ, Pickering BW. Information needs for the OR and PACU electronic medical record. Applied Clinical Informatics 5:630-641
Kappen TH, Moons KGM, van Wolfswinkel L, Kalkman CJ, Vergouwe Y, van Klei WA. Impact of risk assessments on prophylactic antiemetic prescription and the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting: a cluster-randomized trial. Anesthesiology 120:343-354, 2014
Stol IS, Ehrenfeld JM, Epstein RH. Technology diffusion of anesthesia information management systems into academic anesthesia departments in the United States. Anesthesia & Analgesia 118:644-650, 2014
Warner ME, Chong EY, Lowe ME, Sprung J, Weingarten TN. Emergency pages using a computer-based anesthesiology paging system in ambulatory surgical centers: a retrospective review. Anesthesia & Analgesia 119:145-150, 2014
Blum JM, Stentz MJ, Maile MD, Jewell E, Raghavendran K, Engoren M, Ehrenfeld JM. Automated alerting and recommendations for the management of patients with preexisting hypoxia and potential acute lung injury: a pilot study. Anesthesiology 119:295-302, 2013
Edwards KE, Hagen SM, Hannam J, Kruger C, Yu R, Merry AF. A randomized comparison between records made with an anesthesia information management system and by hand, and evaluation of the Hawthorne effect. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 60:990-997, 2013
Epstein RH, Dexter F, Rothman B. Communication latencies of wireless devices suitable for time-critical messaging to anesthesia providers. Anesthesia & Analgesia 116:911-918, 2013
Epstein RH, St Jacques P, Stockin M, Rothman B, Ehrenfeld JM, Denny JC. Automated identification of drug and food allergies entered using non-standard terminology. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 20:962-968, 2013
Frank SM, Rothschild JA, Masear CG, Rivers RJ, Merritt WT, Savage WJ, Ness PM. Optimizing preoperative blood ordering with data acquired from an anesthesia information management system. Anesthesiology 118:1286-1297, 2013
Freundlich RE, Barnet CS, Mathis MR, Shanks AM, Tremper KK, Kheterpal S. A randomized trial of automated electronic alerts demonstrating improved reimbursable anesthesia time documentation. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 25:110-114, 2013
Hyder JA, Kor DJ, Cima RR, Subramanian A. How to improve the performance of intraoperative risk models: an example with vital signs using the surgical apgar score. Anesthesia and Analgeisa 117:1338-1346, 2013
Nair BG, Horibe M, Newman SF, Wu WY, Schwid HA. Near real-time notification of gaps in cuff blood pressure recordings for improved patient monitoring. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 27:265-271, 2013
Nair BG, Newman SF, Peterson GN, Schwid HA. Smart Anesthesia Manager - a real-time decision support system for anesthesia care during surgery. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60:207-210, 2013
Nair BG, Peterson GN, Neradilek MB, Newman SF, Huang EY, Schwid HA. Reducing wastage of inhalation anesthetics using real-time decision support to notify of excessive fresh gas flow. Anesthesiology 118:874-884, 2013
Rothman BS, Dexter F, Epstein RH. Communication latencies of Apple push notification messages relevant for delivery of time-critical information to anesthesia care providers. Anesthesia & Analgesia 117:398-404, 2013
Smallman B, Dexter F, Masursky D, Li F, Gorji R, George D, Epstein RH. Role of communication systems in coordinating supervising anesthesiologists’ activities outside of operating rooms. Anesthesia & Analgesia 116:898-903, 2013
Wanderer JP, Charnin J, Driscoll WD, Bailin MT, Baker K. Decision support using anesthesia information management system records and accreditation council for graduate medical education case logs for resident operating room assignments. Anesthesia & Analgesia 117:494-499, 2013
Weingarten TN, Abenstein JP, Dutton CH, Kohn MA, Lee EA, Mullenbach TE, Narr BJ, Schroeder DR, Sprung J. Characteristics of emergency pages using a computer-based anesthesiology paging system in children and adults undergoing procedures at a tertiary care medical center. Anesthesia & Analgesia 116:904-910, 2013
Avidan A, Weissman C. Record completeness and data concordance in an anesthesia information management system using context-sensitive mandatory data-entry fields. International Journal of Medical Informatics 81:173-181, 2012
Dexter F, Ledolter J, Davis E, Witkowski TA, Herman JH, Epstein RH. Systematic criterion for type and screen based on procedure’s probability of erythrocyte transfusion. Anesthesiology 116:768-778, 2012
Epstein RH, Dexter F. Implications of resolved hypoxemia on the utility of desaturation alerts sent from an anesthesia decision support system to supervising anesthesiologists. Anesthesia & Analgesia 115: 929-933, 2012
Epstein RH, Dexter F. Mediated interruptions of anaesthesia providers using predictions of workload from anaesthesia information management system data. Anaesthesia & Intensive Care 40: 803-812, 2012
Frank SM, Savage WJ, Rothschild JA, Rivers RJ, Ness PM, Paul SL, Ulatowski JA. Variability in blood and blood component utilization as assessed by an anesthesia information management system. Anesthesiology 117:99-106, 2012
Kooij FO, Vos N, Siebenga P, Klok T, Hollmann MW, Kal JE. Automated reminders decrease postoperative nausea and vomiting incidence in a general surgical population. British Journal of Anaesthesia 108:961-965, 2012
Kool NP, van Waes JA, Bijker JB, Peelen LM, van Wolfswinkel L, de Graaff JC, van Klei WA. Artifacts in research data obtained from an anesthesia information and management system. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 59:833-841, 2012
Marian AA, Dexter F, Tucker P, Todd MM. Comparison of alphabetical versus categorical display format for medication order entry in a simulated touch screen anesthesia information management system: an experiment in cliniciancomputer interaction in anesthesia. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 12:46, 2012
Mashour GA, Shanks A, Tremper KK, Kheterpal S, Turner CR, Ramachandran SK, Picton P, Schueller C, Morris M, Vandervest JC, Lin N, Avidan MS. Prevention of intraoperative awareness with explicit recall in an unselected surgical population: a randomized comparative effectiveness trial. Anesthesiology 117:717-725, 2012
Nair BG, Peterson GN, Newman SF, Wu WY, Kolios-Morris V, Schwid HA. Improving documentation of a beta-blocker quality measure through an anesthesia information management system and real-time notification of documentation errors. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 38:283-288, 2012
Wanderer JP, Rao AV, Rothwell SH, Ehrenfeld JM. Comparing two anesthesia information management system user interfaces: a usability evaluation. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 59:1023–1031, 2012
Ehrenfeld JM, Epstein RH, Bader S, Kheterpal S, Sandberg WS. Automatic notifications mediated by anesthesia information management systems reduce the frequency of prolonged gaps in blood pressure documentation. Anesthesia & Analgesia 113:356-363, 2011
Epstein RH, Dexter F. Mean arterial pressures bracketing prolonged monitoring interruptions have negligible systematic differences from matched controls without such gaps. Anesthesia & Analgesia 113:267-271, 2011
Epstein RH, Gratch DM, McNulty S, Grunwald Z. Validation of a system to detect scheduled drug diversion by anesthesia care providers. Anesthesia & Analgesia 113:160-164, 2011
Ledolter J, Dexter F, Epstein RH. Analysis of variance of communication latencies in anesthesia: Comparing means of multiple lognormal distributions. Anesthesia & Analgesia 113:888-896, 2011
Nair BG, Newman SF, Peterson GN, Schwid HA. Automated electronic reminders to improve redosing of antibiotics during surgical cases: comparison of two approaches. Surgical Infections 12:57-63, 2011
Peterfreund RA, Driscoll WD, Walsh JL, Subramanian A, Anupama S, Weaver M, Morris T, Arnholz S, Zheng H, Pierce ET, Spring SF. Evaluation of a mandatory quality assurance data capture in anesthesia: a secure electronic system to capture quality assurance information linked to an automated anesthesia record. Anesthesia & Analgesia 112:1218-1225, 2011
Schwann NM, Bretz KA, Eid S, Burger T, Fry D, Ackler F, Evans P, Romancheck D, Beck M, Ardire AJ, Lukens H, McLoughlin TM. Point-of-care electronic prompts: an effective means of increasing compliance, demonstrating quality, and improving outcome. Anesthesia & Analgesia 113:869-876, 2011
Simpao A, Heitz JW, McNulty SE, Chekemian B, Brenn BR, Epstein RH. The design and implementation of an automated system for logging clinical experiences using an anesthesia information management system. Anesthesia & Analgesia 112:422-429, 2011
Taicher BM, Alam RI, Berman J, Epstein RH. Design, implementation, and evaluation of a computerized system to communicate with patients with limited native language proficiency in the perioperative period. Anesthesia & Analgesia 112:106-112, 2011
Trentman TL, Mueller JT, Ruskin KJ, Noble BN, Doyle CA. Adoption of anesthesia information management systems by US anesthesiologists. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 25:129-135, 2011
van Schalkwyk JM, Lowes D, Frampton C, Merry AF. Does manual anaesthetic record capture remove clinically important data? British Journal of Anaesthesia 107:546-552, 2011
Dexter F, Bayman EO, Epstein RH. Statistical modeling of average and variability of time to extubation for meta-analysis comparing desflurane to sevoflurane. Anesthesia & Analgesia 110:570-580, 2010
Epstein RH, Ekbatani A, Kaplan J, Shechter R, Grunwald Z. Development of a staff recall system for mass casualty incidents using cell phone text messaging. Anesthesia & Analgesia 110:871-878, 2010
Epstein RH. Postoperative nausea and vomiting, decision support, and regulatory oversight. Anesthesia & Analgesia 111:270-271, 2010
Frenzel JC, Kee SS, Ensor JE, Riedel BJ, Ruiz JR. Ongoing provision of individual clinician performance data improves practice behavior. Anesthesia & Analgesia 111:515-519, 2010
Nair BG, Newman SF, Peterson GN, Wu WY, Schwid HA. Feedback mechanisms including real-time electronic alerts to achieve near 100% timely prophylactic antibiotic administration in surgical cases. Anesthesia & Analgesia 111:1293-1300, 2010
Dexter F, Epstein RH, Lee JD, Ledolter J. Automatic updating of times remaining in surgical cases using Bayesian analysis of historical case duration data and "instant messaging" updates from anesthesia providers. Anesthesia & Analgesia 108:929-940, 2009
Eden A, Pizov R, Toderis L, Kantor G, Perel A. The impact of an electronic reminder on the use of alarms after separation from cardiopulmonary bypass. Anesthesia & Analgesia 108:1203-1208, 2009
Epstein RH, Dexter F, Ehrenfeld JM, Sandberg WS. Implications of event entry latency on anesthesia information management decision support systems. Anesthesia & Analgesia 108:941-947, 2009
Egger Halbeis CB, Epstein RH, Macario A, Pearl RG, Grunwald Z. Adoption of anesthesia information management systems by academic departments in the United States. Anesthesia & Analgesia 107:1323-1329, 2008
Epstein RH, Dexter F, Piotrowski E. Automated correction of room location errors in anesthesia information management systems. Anesthesia & Analgesia 107:965-971, 2008
Grant C, Ludbrook G, Hampson EA, Semenov R, Willis R. Adverse physiological events under anaesthesia and sedation: a pilot audit of electronic patient records. Anaesthesia & Intensive Care 36:222-229, 2008
Kooij FO, Klok T, Hollmann MW, Kal JE. Decision support increases guideline adherence for prescribing postoperative nausea and vomiting prophylaxis. Anesthesia & Analgesia 106:893-898, 2008
Muravchick S, Caldwell JE, Epstein RH, Galati M, Levy WJ, O'Reilly M, Plagenhoef JS, Rehman M, Reich DL, Vigoda MM. Anesthesia information management system implementation: a practical guide. Anesthesia & Analgesia 107: 1598-1608, 2008
Sandberg WS, Sandberg EH, Seim AR, Anupama S, Ehrenfeld JM, Spring SF, Walsh L. Real-time checking of electronic anesthesia records for documentation errors and automatically text messaging clinicians improves quality of documentation. Anesthesia & Anesthesia 106:192-201, 2008
Wax DB, Beilin Y, Hossain S, Lin HM, Reich DL. Manual editing of automatically recorded data in an anesthesia information management system. Anesthesiology 109:811-815, 2008
Dexter F, Willemsen-Dunlap A, Lee JD. Operating room managerial decision-making on the day of surgery with and without computer recommendations and status displays. Anesthesia & Analgesia 105:419-429, 2007
Driscoll WD, Columbia MA, Peterfreund RA. An observational study of anesthesia record completeness using an anesthesia information management system. Anesthesia & Analgesia 104:1454-1461, 2007
Egan MT, Sandberg WS. Auto identification technology and its impact on patient safety in the Operating Room of the Future. Surgical Innovation 14:41-51, 2007
Epstein RH, Gratch DM, Grunwald Z. Development of a drug diversion surveillance system based on an analysis of atypical drug transactions. Anesthesia & Analgesia 105:1053-1060, 2007
Epstein RH, Vigoda MM, Feinstein DM. Anesthesia information management systems: a survey of current implementation policies and practices. Anesthesia & Analgesia 105:405–411, 2007
Kheterpal S, Gupta R, Blum JM, Tremper KK, O'Reilly M, Kazanjian PE. Electronic reminders improve procedure documentation compliance and professional fee reimbursement. Anesthesia & Analgesia 104:592-597, 2007
Spring SF, Sandberg WS, Anupama S, Walsh JL, Driscoll WD, Raines DE. Automated documentation error detection and notification improves anesthesia billing performance. Anesthesiology 106:157-163, 2007
Vigoda MM, Gencorelli FJ, Lubarsky DA. Discrepancies in medication entries between anesthetic and pharmacy records using electronic databases. Anesthesia & Analgesia 105:1061-1065, 2007
Wax DB, Beilin Y, Levin M, Chadha N, Krol M, Reich DL. The effect of an interactive visual reminder in an anesthesia information management system on timeliness of prophylactic antibiotic administration. Anesthesia & Analgesia 104:1462-1466, 2007
Nemeth C, O’Connor M, Klock PA, Cook R. Discovering healthcare cognition: the use of cognitive artifacts to reveal cognitive work. Organization Studies 27:1011-1035, 2006
O’Reilly M, Talsma A, VanRiper S, Kheterpal S, Burney R. An anesthesia information system designed to provide physician-specific feedback improves timely administration of prophylactic antibiotics. Anesthesia & Analgesia 103:908-912, 2006
Reich DL, Kahn RA, Wax D, Palvia T, Galati M, Krol M. Development of a module for point-of-care charge capture and submission using an anesthesia information management system. Anesthesiology 105:179–186, 2006
Vigoda MM, Gencorelli F, Lubarsky DA. Changing medical group behaviors: increasing the rate of documentation of quality assurance events using an anesthesia information system. Anesthesia & Analgesia 103:390-395, 2006
Vigoda MM, Lubarsky DA. Failure to recognize loss of incoming data in an anesthesia record-keeping system may have increased medical liability. Anesthesia & Analgesia 102:1798-1802, 2006
Vigoda MM, Lubarsky DA. The medicolegal importance of enhancing timeliness of documentation when using an anesthesia information system and the response to automated feedback in an academic practice. Anesthesia & Analgesia 103:131-136, 2006
St Jacques P, Sanders N, Patel N, Talbot TR, Deshpande JK, Higgins M. Improving timely surgical antibiotic prophylaxis redosing administration using computerized record prompts. Surgical Infections 6:215-221, 2005
Xiao Y, Hu P, Hao H, Ho D, Dexter F, Mackenzie CF, Seagull FJ, Dutton R. Algorithm for processing vital sign monitoring data to remotely identify operating room occupancy in real-time. Anesthesia & Analgesia 101:823–829, 2005
Feldman JM. Do anesthesia information systems increase malpractice exposure? Results of a survey. Anesthesia & Analgesia 99: 840-843, 2004
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