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Kahl U, Boehm A, Krause L, Klinger R, Stoimenov K, Zöllner C, Plümer L, Fischer M. Psychometric evaluation of the modified quality of recovery score for the postanaesthesia care unit (QoR-PACU2)-a prospective validation study. Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain Medicine 43:101380, 2024

Koning NJ, Lokin JLC, Roovers L, Kallewaard JW, van Harten WH, Kalkman CJ, Preckel B. Introduction of a post-anaesthesia care unit in a teaching hospital is associated with a reduced length of hospital stay in noncardiac surgery: a single-centre interrupted time series analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13:534, 2024

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Dexter F, Epstein RH, Marian AA. General anesthesia techniques reducing the time to satisfy phase I post-anesthesia care unit discharge criteria: narrative review of randomized clinical trials and cohort studies studying unit bypass, supplemented with computer simulation. Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management 33:100358, 2023

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Khorasanian D, Dexter F, Demeulemeester E, Moslehi G. Minimising the number of cancellations at the time of a severe lack of postanesthesia care unit beds or nurses. International Journal of Production Research 60:3383-3396, 2022


Debats CEJM, Dellaert NP, Pouwel S, Stepaniak PS. Balancing workload in the PACU by using an integrated OR planning methodology. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing 36:279-290, 2021

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Epstein RH, Dexter F, Diez C. The distributions of weekday discharge times at acute care hospitals in the state of Florida were static from 2010 to 2018. Journal of Medical Systems 44:47, 2020  

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Khorasanian D, Dexter F, Moslehi G. Analyses of the phase I postanesthesia care unit baseline capacity and effect of disruptions to its beds or nurse availability on operating room workflow. International Journal of Planning and Scheduling 2:350-372, 2018

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